
9 thoughts
last posted May 21, 2015, 4:04 p.m.

5 earlier thoughts


I have had a few kinks in my armor, so to speak, cropping up as I challenged my body these past two months.

My shoulder having an impingement (not severe) and knees getting crunchy (no pain).

I take these things to be like warning lights going off on my car dashboard. So I went to a physiotherapist that some of my fellow crossfitters have seen. It's amazing what was found in the work up. I'll spare everyone details but suffice it to say, there are areas that need improvement that not only will help my shoulder and knees but also correct some other dysfunctions that will likely cause problems later.

He gave me a series of stretches to do each day that should help and am looking forward to seeing some progress.

3 later thoughts