Crossfit Journal

79 thoughts
last posted Sept. 18, 2014, 10:16 p.m.

61 later thoughts


2/14/2014 6a

Today we did Fran

3 Rounds of 21-15-9 reps each of:

  • 95# Thrusters
  • Pull ups

I scaled the pull ups to jumping pull ups and unlike the BEAST that is in that video, my time was 8:37.

Then we did some skills practice:

3 Rounds, NFT:

  • Hand Stand Hold for 45 seconds
  • 40 Double Unders
  • L-Sit on parallettes for 30 seconds

After Fran, I was completely beat. In fact, I came near to passing out and/or throwing up out a couple times. I made the mistake of not eating my usual eggs and sausage before working out and went with an empty belly.

I ended up only doing 2 of the 3 rounds and ended up being one of the last ones there as I was working through very slowly. The handstand holds, I never made it the full 45 seconds but did, 20 seconds then 25 seconds in the first round, followed by 30 seconds and 15 seconds in the second round.

The Double Unders were a real struggle as well. I don't have them repetitively yet, so I focused on just doing a single or two and then a double, followed by a single or two and then a double. I was so dead though it was a struggle to just do singles.

L-Sits. ROFL. I had to break these up to 10 seconds for 3 reps for each round and that was with my legs tucked instead of straight out in front.

This was easily my worst workout so far. I think I can partially blame lack of nutrition and less than optimal sleep, but I am not sure I wouldn't have still SUCKED.

17 earlier thoughts