## 9/17/2014 7:15a *WOD #2 for Paleo Challenge* AMRAP, 9:00 * 20 G2OH- 65 lbs * 7 Bar Facing Burpees * 15 G2OH- 75 lbs * 7 Bar Facing Burpees * 10 G2OH- 95 lbs * 7 Bar Facing Burpees * 5 G2OH- 135 lbs * 7 Bar Facing Burpees * AMRAP G2OH- 155 lbs I ended up finished the last 7 burpees but not enough time to start the AMRAP of 155#. Leaving me with a total score of `78`. ---- ## 9/15/2014 9:15a *WOD #1 for Paleo Challenge* * 4:00 Row for Calories * 1:00 Rest * 3:00 Pull Ups * 1:00 Rest * 2:00 Back Squats (#115) * 1:00 Rest * 1:00 Shoulder to OH (#95) I ended up getting `80` calories on the row, `11` pull ups, `35` squats, and `16` presses for a total score of `142`. ---- ## 9/15/2014 8a Find 5RM on OH Squat Then Find 5RM Floor Press I ended up with `165#` on OH Squat and `195#` on Floor Press. ---- ## 9/12/2014 8a 3 Rounds: * 10 Burpees * 15 Front Squats (135#) * 10 HSPU or HRPU Then * Turkish Get Up, 3x3 per side I finished the WOD in `8:56`. Used `45#` kettle bell for the get ups. ---- ## 9/10/2014 6p 5 Sets: * 3 Pause Front Squats @ 70-95% hold 3 seconds at bottom 5 Sets, each for time: * 5 Hang Power Clean (155#) * 10 Jumping Lunges * Sprint 100m I did `235#` for the paused squats and then modified the jumping lunges for regular lunges, and the sprint for 200m rows. My times were `0-1:23`, `2:23-3;50`, `5:20-6:48`, `8:00-9:25`, and `10:30-11:55`. ---- ## 9/8/2014 8a 8 Sets, Every 2:00 * 2 Push Press * 1 Jerk Start off at 60% and add weight as you go, no heavier than 85%. Then, EMOM 12:00: * 5 Deadlifts, 275# * 5 Burpees I used `135#`, `135#`, `145#`, `155#`, `165#`, `175#`, `185#`, `195#` for the Push Press / Jerk triplets. Then for the EMOM I ended up skipping some burpees as I ran out of time (and wind!). ---- ## 8/25/2014 5p 5 Sets: * 10 Back Squats @ 50-60% * 60s rest * 5 Strict Pull Ups * 60s rest * 30s each side, side plank * 60s rest * 15 KB Swings (55#) * 60s rest For squats I used `185#` and did `Ring Rows` instead of pull ups. My time was `31:10`. ---- ## 8/20/2014 8a ***The Chief*** 5 Sets: * 3:00 AMRAP * 3 Power Cleans (135#) * 6 Push Ups * 9 Squats * Rest 60s * Each set starts where the last one stopped Then, do some skill work on your own. I completed `321` reps total. ---- ## 8/18/2014 5p 3 Sets, NFT * 3 Wall Walks * 3 Muscle Ups or 6 Ring Rows or 3 (3s) Ring Holds * 10 Hanging L-Raises * 30s caveman squat Then Push Press * 5x5 (10% more than Press 1RM) I did `Ring Holds` and for the Push Press I did `175#`. Shoulder felt great despite it being difficult. ---- ## 8/13/2014 8a Press, find 1RM * 5 @ 80% * 4 @ 85% * 3 @ 90% * 2 @ 95-98% * 1 @ 100-105% Ended up with a max of **155#** Then, Find 1RM of the Clean * 10 sets, start each rep at 2:00 * 55% - 135# * 65% - 145# * 70% - 155# * 75% - 165# * 80% - 185# * 85% - 195# * 90% - 205# * 95% - 215# * 101% - 225# * 101%+ This ladder was a bit easy/light once i was getting half way through so I adjusted. I did the following: * 135# * 145# * 155# * 165# * 185# * 195# * 215# * 225# * 245# * 255# * **275#** ---- ## 8/11/2014 6a Front Squat, Find a new 1RM * 3 @ 55% (155#) * 2 @ 65% (178#) * 1 @ 75% (206#) * 1 @ 80% (220#) * 1 @ 85% (233#) * 1 @ 90% (247#) * 1 @ 96-100% (265-275#) * 1 @ 101-105% (277-288#) Optional, 1 more. I did: * 155# * 185# * 225# * 275# * 315# * 335# Then, do max efforts within 60 seconds followed by 30 second rests of: * squats * sit ups * push ups * HSPU * plank hold I did: * 45 squats * 43 sit ups * 30 push ups * :37 plank hold instead of the HSPU * :57 plank hold ---- ## 8/6/2014 5p Front Squat: * 5 @ 70% (178#) * 4 @ 80% (204#) * 3 @ 85-90% (216-229#) * 2 @ 90-95% (229-242#) * 1 @ 95-99% (242-250#) Then Push Press, 5x5 at a medium weight. I did: * 175# * 205# * 225# * 245# * 275# (this was really easy) Then on Push Press, I used **115#** shoulders got sore but got through it without it getting too bad. ---- ## 8/1/2014 6p ***Karen*** - 150 Wall Balls (20#) Then: Work to decent OH squat focusing on form or work on a skill. I finished *Karen* in **10:13** and then did some ab work consisting of v-ups and sit ups and then did a bit of work on double-unders. ---- ## 7/21/2014 Afternoon *Wasn't able to make it to CrossFit Lawless so ended up just making up a workout to do in our room*. For Time: * 21-15-9 reps * pushups, sit ups, burpees I finished all three rounds in **8:44**. ---- ## 7/17/2014 5:30p @ *CrossFit Lawless* *Visiting [CrossFit Lawless](http://crossfitlawless.com/) through the month of July* Skill: EMOM 14:00 Odd/Even * ***Odd Minute*** * 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Squat Cleans * ***Even Minute*** * Rx = 3 muscle ups (or Rx+ = 5 muscle ups) Scale options for the even minutes are a) 6 chest to bar pull ups, b) 9 pull ups, or c) 9 ring rows. MetCon: AMRAP 12:00 Option between: * Rx * 200m shuttle with 30 second rest * Rx+ * 400m shuttle with 60 second rest I ended up scaling the muscle ups to ring rows and used **155#** for the cleans. For the AMRAP, I opted to do Rx+ and did the 400m shuttle (up and back 4 times on a 50m path). My finish times for each of the 4 rounds I completed were: **1:44**, **5:12**, **8:46**, and **11:55**. ---- ## 7/10/2014 Noon @ *CrossFit Lawless* *Visiting [CrossFit Lawless](http://crossfitlawless.com/) through the month of July* Lift *Back Squats*: * 5 reps - 182# * 3 reps - 219# * 5 reps - 273# * 3 reps - 310# * 1+ reps - 346# MetCon: 10:00 AMRAP Start with: * 5 hand release pushups * 100m run And then each subsequent round, add 2 hand release pushups (e.g. 5, 7, 9, 11, and so forth) while keeping the 100m run constant. I ended up doing **355#** instead of 346# for my last set on back squats. I got **2** reps. For the MetCon, I ended up finishing **8 rounds (19 pushups)** and got 6 pushups into the 9th round. ---- ## 7/8/2014 4:30p @ *CrossFit Lawless* *Visiting [CrossFit Lawless](http://crossfitlawless.com/) through the month of July* Warmup: 4 Rounds: * 10 Wall Balls with 1/4 Squat * 5 Burpees * 5 Strict Pull Ups * 10 V-Ups Lift, *Clean and Jerk*: * 5 x 1 @ 90% MetCon: "Diane" * 21 x 15 x 9 reps * 225# Deadlift * HSPU I modified the warm up to do Ring Rows instead of Pull Ups due to my shoulder. I did Power Squat Cleans at **175#** instead of Jerking the weight overhead. Finally, I did Hand Release Push Ups instead of the HSPU. I finished this modified Diane in **5::41**. ---- ## 7/2/2014 Noon @ *CrossFit Lawless* Visiting *[CrossFit Lawless](http://crossfitlawless.com/)* for the month of July. This was my first workout at this box. Lift *Deadlift*: * 5 reps @ 50% (232#) * 5 reps @ 60% (280#) * 3 reps @ 70% (325#) * 3 reps @ 80% (372#) * 3+ reps @ 90% (418) I did **415#** for **6** total reps. MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time: * 20 push ups * 20 walking lunges with 35# * 400 meter run I finished in **14:15**. *After leaving this workout I received a call that my grandmother was not expected to live past the day. I was thankful to be able to get back to the condo, shower up, and drive the 2.5 hours back home and spend the rest of the evening with family near her bedside where I was when [she passed](http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/greenvilleonline/obituary.aspx?pid=171608814) [that evening](http://ireader.olivesoftware.com/Olive/iReader/PalmBeachPost/SharedArticle.ashx?document=PBC%5C2014%5C07%5C08&article=Ar01400).* ---- ## 6/24/2014 9a EMOM, 12:00 * 1 x Hang Squat Clean * 1 x Full Clean Use 65% of 1RM. I don't have a 1RM max yet on cleans and don't really have any way to approximate one. Due to my shoulder issues we decided it best to stay at something relatively light so I did **135#**. My shoulder felt great and it did feel light, perhaps too light. I think next time I'll do **155#** or **175#**. Then: AMRAP, 6:00 * 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (**24"**) * 15 KB Swings (**55#**, modified to just shoulder high) * 20 Pushups * 25 Wall balls (**20#**) * 30 Situps Rest 4:00 Repeat 6:00 AMRAP Results: 1. One complete round + 8 Box Jump Overs 2. One complete round + 5 box Jump Overs ---- ## 6/20/2014 6a Lift, 4 Sets: * 8 Deadlifts @ 70% - **285#** * 60 second rest * 60 second Elbow Plank * 60 second rest MetCon: 3 Rounds, Not for Time * 3 Turkish Get Ups (35#) * 10 Goblet Squats (55#) * 20 Kettlebell Swings (55#) *I modified the Kettlebell Swing to a Russian Kettlebell Swing (arms up to straight out in front instead of overhead) due to my shoulder. ---- ## 6/18/2014 6a 3 Rounds, 60 seconds each: * WB 20# * Rest * Pushups * Rest * Box Jumps 25" * Rest * KB Swings 55# * Rest * Situps * Rest This was a partner workout. I partnered with Erica. The score was total reps from both of us. We each did the full three rounds, each of us working during the other's rest period. ![partnerwod.jpg](/media/195/partnerwod.jpg) We scored **739**. ---- ## 6/15/2014 am (Lake Summit) Just made something up to do while at Lake Summit. 3 *mountains* (80 foot climb up stairs carved into side of mountain) Then: 3 Rounds, NFT: * 25 Situps * 10 Pistols * 10 Pushups * 10 v-ups Then: 10 Burpees ---- ## 6/10/2014 am (Lake Summit) Just made something up to do while at the lake. 3 Rounds, NFT: * 1 *mountain* (80 foot climb up stairs carved into mountain) * 25 situps * 10 pushups * 10 v-ups ---- ## 6/8/2014 3:30p (Denver) Just made something up to do in the hotel room. 3 Rounds, For Time: * 10 Prisoner Squats * 25 Situps **4:34** ---- ## 6/6/2014 6a For Time: * 50 Prisoner Squats * 50 Mountain Climbers * 50 Jumping Jacks * 50 Hollow Body Rocks * 50 Lunges **13:39** Afterwards I practices DUs and finally got some unbroken ones. It was only 7 DUs in a row, but felt good to get a solid rhythm. ---- ## 6/4/2014 6a Back Squats * 4 @ 80% - **275#** * 3 @ 85% - **295#** * 2 @ 90% - **310#** * 1 @ 95% - **327#** * Max @ 85% - **295#** (Got 6 reps) Then: 3 Sets, NFT: * 20 - DUs * 10 - Pistols * 15 - Situps I finished up with a lap around the building. ---- ## 6/2/2014 6a 4 Rounds: * 6 Deadlifts @ 75% - **305#** * 10 Ring Dips (did matador dips, assisted, instead) Rest 3:00, Then: 3 Rounds: * 10 Box Jumps - 24" * 10 HSPU - (did matador dips, assisted, instead) * 20 KB Swings - **55#** Rest 3:00, Then: 2 Rounds: * 30 HR Pushups * 60 DUs I resulted in: * 4 Rounds - 0:00–4:40 * 3 Rounds - 4:40–17:26 * 2 Rounds - 20:26–30:30 The last round I did 1x30 push ups and 3x25 DUs without ropes. My shoulder was killing me. ---- ## 5/27/2014 5p Back Squat * 5 @ 75% - **255** * 3 @ 80% - **275** * 1 @ 85% - **295** * 5 @ 80% - **275** * 3 @ 85% - **295** * 1 @ 90% - **315** * 5 @ 85% - **295** * 3 @ 90% - **315** * 1 @ 95% - **335** Then: 8:00 AMRAP * 10 T2B / K2C / Raises / V-Ups * 10 Burpees * 30 DUs / Tuck Jumps / 60 Singles I did V-Ups and Tuck Jumps. I ended up with **3** full rounds **+7** reps of V-Ups. ---- ## 5/21/2014 - 6a 3 Sets, NFT * 30-50 DUs * 6 Pistols per leg * 8-10 Barbell Rollouts Then: Back Squat * 5 @ 60% - **207#** * 3 @ 75% - **285#** * 1 @ 85% - **293#** * 2 @ 90% - **310#** * 4 x (5 @ 80% - **276**) During warmups I got **64** speed steps in 60 seconds. ---- ## 5/19/2014 6a EMOM 12:00 * 5 Deadlifts - **275#** * 5 Burpees Then: 3 Sets: * 1 x 1 x 1 - Clean Pulls - 110-115% - (I don't remember the weight I used) ---- ## 5/13/2014 9a Back Squat: * 5 @ 60% - **207** * 3 @ 75% - **258** * 1 @ 85% - **295** * 2 @ 90% - **310** * 4 x (7 @ 75%) - **258** Then: 15;00 to work up to heavy push press. Instead of doing the push press due to my on going shoulder issues, I did: 4 Rounds: * 6 good mornings at **135#** * 10 GHDs Ended with one lap outside around the building. ---- ## 4/30/2014 6a Get a new back squat 1RM. Do 8 sets or less: 1. 5 reps at 50% (160#) 2. 4 reps at 65% (208#) 3. 3 reps at 75% (240#) 4. 2 reps at 85% (272#) 5. 1 rep at 90% (280#) Then you have 1-3 attempts at a new 1RM. I did: 6. 1 rep at 315# 7. 1 rep at 345# 8. 1 rep at 385# (failed this attempt; I should have tried 365# as I got 345# easily) Then: * max reps at 85% of new max (295#) -- I got **4** reps I did not participate in the skills testing afterwards as it was all shoulder intensive and am giving my shoulder a break. I worked on mobility and did a bit of rowing instead. ---- ## 4/25/2014 8a 4 Sets: * 5:00 AMRAP * 3 box jump overs * 6 KB push press (20#) * 9 KB swings (55#) This was a team AMRAP. I partnered with John. One person worked at a time and completed one round before the other person started. We completed: 126 + 151 + 146 + 158 for a total of **581** reps. We then individually had 1:00 to do as many speed steps on the jump rope that we could. I got **35** steps. ---- ## 4/22/2014 7p MetCon: 4 Sets: * 4 Front Squats @ 70% (185#) * 6 Dips * 8 HSPU (I did pyramid pushups after the first set) * Rest 2:00 Lift: EMOM 5:00 * 10 Press or Push Press @ 60-70% (#135) This really killed my shoulder, but made it through the EMOM. I think my shoulder is getting worse and probably should lay off shoulder work for a while. ---- ## 4/18/2014 8a MetCon: 3 Sets, NFT: * 10 Alternating Pistols * 3 Muscle Ups (or HSPU) * 10 Candlesticks Then: 5x5 Bear Complex (medium/heavy) I used **95#** for the bear complex. Transitioning to back squat was murder on my right shoulder impingement. ---- ## 4/12/2014 9a > I *raced* from the race downtown to make the 9a class. Partner workout with Jim. For Time do 40 reps of each: * Box Jumps * Pull Ups * KB Swings (40#) * Lunge Steps * KB Push Press (40#) * Wall Ball (20#) * Burpees * Sit Ups The partner not doing the movements above does **15** medicine ball cleans. When they are through with the medicine ball cleans, they switch off with the other partner to continue through the reps of whatever movement they are on. Jim and I finished in **18:37**. ---- ## 4/12/2014 8a I ran a 5k to get a benchmark time. I previously did not do any running or specific training for the 5k other than doing CrossFit workouts as journaled here. I ended up finishing in **27:36** with a pace of **8:53**. ---- ## 4/8/2014 9a Find 3 rep max of deadlift Find 5 rep max of front-squat For deadlift I worked my way up to **405#** with the following progression: * 225 * 275 * 315 * 345 * 365 * 405 For front-squat, I ended up with **235#** using the following progression: * 135 * 185 * 205 * 225 * 235 I stopped at 235 as I felt myself allowing my knees to rock in and didn't want to continue with that fault in my form. ---- ## 4/7/2014 8a Lift: Find 5 rep max of **Seated Strict Press** MetCon: 3 Sets, NFT: * 5 heavy ball slams * 50 band pull downs * 5 hand stand shoulder touches * 50 double-unders I ended up with **125#** on the 5RM for the presses. ---- ## 4/6/2014 Noon I have been reading [First: What It Takes to Win](http://amzn.com/B00AM259DY) and read that one of the workouts in Froning's first regionals was: 2 Rounds, For Time: * 500m Row * 25 Burpees I think I remember reading he did it in **5:39** so I set out today to test myself against this workout and see where I stood. I fully expected to at least double, if not triple his time. ![IMG_7611.png](/media/180/IMG_7611.png) Turns out, I did worse than double but not so bad as triple–**12:29**. This simple looking workout I learned is deceiving in just how bad it kicks you in the gut in terms of aerobic thresholds. My word! ---- ## 4/1/2014 9a Lift: Front Squats: * 5 @ 60% (135#) * 4 @ 70% (155#) * 3 @ 80% (180#) * 2 @ 90% (205#) * Max Reps @ 85% (190#) MetCon: * Max Effort Unbroken Power Cleans - 175# * Rest 2:00 * Max Effort Unbroken Power Cleans - 155# * Rest 2:00 * Max Effort Unbroken Power Cleans - 135# I ended up with **12** reps of front squats for the max reps set. For Power Cleans I did, **12** reps at 175#, **15** reps at 155#, and **30** reps at 135#. And I was exhausted. ---- ## 3/29/2014 Today was [14.5](http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open/2014#tabs-5). I ended up completing it in **24:47**, which I was happy with as I was just hoping to finish, and then after that break 30 minutes! ![IMG_1668.JPG](/media/175/IMG_1668.JPG) Just having started CrossFit a 2 month before the Open began I entered this to give myself a baseline benchmark to compare myself next year. I felt like I have made massive improvements in a number of areas even from the beginning to the end of the open. ---- ## 3/24/2014 8a Lift: Front Squats: * 5 @ 60% (135#) * 4 @ 70% (155#) * 3 @ 80% (180#) * 2 @ 90% (205#) * 5 @ 80% (180#) MetCon: * 4:00 Max Effort KB Swings 55# * 2:00 Rest * 3:00 Max Effort Box Jumps 24" * 2:00 Rest * 2:00 Max Effort HSPU or Push Ups I ended up doing **63** KB swings, **51** Box Jumps, and **41** Push ups. ---- ## 3/22/2014 10:25a This morning was 14.4! I was happy with my score. I wanted to at least get passed the Toes to Bar but had hoped to get into at least the cleans. I felt good throughout, but ran out of time due to my slow pass on the Toes to Bar. ![IMG_5556.jpeg](/media/170/IMG_5556.jpeg) ---- ## 3/20/2014 7p After taking a number of days off to rest and recoup from 14.3, I thought I'd try one workout before 14.4. Tonight felt good to get back to the box though the the workout was tough on my shoulder, but easy and relaxing overall. The same right shoulder that keeps dogging me. Lift: 15:00 to work up to heavy couplet of Push Press + Push Jerk. Then: 3 sets of 8 Good Mornings at Medium-Heavy weight. MetCon: 3 Sets, NFT: * 5 Supermans * 30s chinese plank up * 30s chinese plank down * 3 bridge ups Got to 215 on the push press/jerk. Tried 225 but no-go. I did back extensions instead of the good mornings as I was feeling a bit of pulling in my lower right back when trying the good mornings. No problem at all with the MetCon. ---- ## 3/15/2014 10:40a 14.3 was my best showing yet. ![14.3.jpg](/media/167/14.3.jpg) ---- ## 3/13/2014 9a Lift: Back Squat: * 6 reps @ 70% (225#) * 4 reps @ 80% (255#) * 2 reps @ 90% (285#) * max reps @ 85% (265#) In between each set of back squat do 5 ball slams with a 50# ball. Rest well between sets. AMRAP 8:00: * 5 Pull ups * 10 push ups * 15 squats I got a full **8** reps on the max reps set for squats. I might have been able to get 9 however, I felt my form breaking on 8 and didn't feel it wise to try another one. I finished 5 rounds of the AMRAP with an additional 5 pull ups and 9 push ups. The first 2 rounds I did full unassisted pull ups which is a PR for me (6 weeks ago when I started Crossfit, I could not manage a single pull up). After the first two rounds I assisted the rest of my pull ups using a small box to do jumping pull ups. I still managed to only do about 1-2% jump unlike previous attempts where I was closer to 10% jump. ---- ## 3/12/2014 6p Lift: * 6 Sets * Hang Snatch * Full Snatch Add weight between each set. Rest 60s between sets MetCon: EMOM 6:00: * 5 Power Cleans @ 155# * 10 HR Push Ups Then: For Time, 50 Front Rack box set ups at 20 inches using 95#. For the lift I used the following weights: 75#, 95#, 115#, 125#, 125#, 125#. For the step ups, I finished in **6:38**. ---- ## 3/10/2014 8a 3 Times: * 60s cumulative: * L-Sit * HS hold * Plank Hold Then: EMOM 10:00: * 3 clean & jerks @ 75-80% * Rest 10s between reps I did 155# for first 5:00 and then dropped to 135# for remainder due to shoulder pain. ---- ## 3/8/2014 10a Today was [14.2](http://games.crossfit.com/video/open-announcement-142-archived-footage). One big problem for me is that I simply don't have the chest to bar pull up yet, so I wasn't expecting to get more than 10 reps. Sure enough, I tried for 2 of the 3 minutes of the first round to try and get my chest to touch the bar. Lots of close efforts but not good enough for a rep. ![photo3.jpg](/media/166/photo3.jpg) I stayed after to do a workout since I didn't do much during the open workout. This one was killer but well worth doing. For time: * Run 1 long lap * 7 Rounds of: ** 1 squat snatch (95#) ** 7 overhead squats ** 7 burpees * Run 1 long lap I finished in 12:51, several minutes after the rest of the class! ---- ## 3/6/2014 9a EMOM 8:00: * 3 back squats at 75% 1RM MetCon: 3 Rounds, For Time: * 20 Shoulder to Overhead at 115# * 25 Pull Ups * 30 KB swings with 55# Due to continued issues with my right shoulder and not wanting to push it before 14.2 on Saturday, I did: * 20 Push ups * 25 Ring Rows * 30 jumping lunges For the back squats, I used **235#**. This weight felt really good through the very last triplet. Could do more. Really anxious to find a new 1RM. I finished the MetCon in **13:01**. I paced myself and didn't get too winded but I wonder if I should have pushed harder given the fact that I felt good afterwards. I felt I was battling more muscle failure today in my arms than losing my breath, though I did get good an winded. ---- ## 3/5/2014 8a 3 Sets, NFT: * 10 Box Jumps (higher than usual) * 10 HSPU * 10 Alternating Pistols Then: 8 Sets of: * 2 Power Cleans * 2 Squat Cleans Start with 50% and add weight each set. Rest 90 seconds between sets. I used a 30-inch box for the box jumps, I scaled the HSPU by using a 45# plate + abmat. I scaled the Alternating Pistols by using a stack of plates. Had a very difficult time of not bouncing off the plates. For the cleans, I did the following weights: * 135# * 165# * 175# * 180# * 185# * 195# * 200# * 205# ---- ## 3/4/2014 5p MetCon: * 40 WB (20#) * 20 C2B Pull ups * 35 WB * 15 C2B * 20 WB * 10 C2B * 10 WB * 5 C2B Scale WB as needed. Scaled C2B with bands or Jumping Pullups or Ring Rows. Then: 3 Sets, NFT: * 8 Barbell Rows (medium weight) * 8 Barbell Roll outs * 8 Supermans I scaled the **C2B** to Ring Rows as with my shoulder I didn't want to push it with what I would normally scale to (Jumping Pull Ups). I finished in **11:35**. For the Barbell Rows I used **75#**. The roll outs were tricky as at full extension a couple of times my right shoulder got weak and I couldn't support myself. Need to get it looked at. ---- ## 3/1/2014 10:10a ### CrossFit Open - 14.1 The [14.1 Workout](http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open) consists of: AMRAP for 10:00: * 30 double-unders * 15 snatches of 75# ![photo1.jpg](/media/164/photo1.jpg) I was scheduled for the 10:10a heat. This was my first CrossFit Open and was both excited and nervous. I had the same feeling I used to get leading up to kickoff of football games. I love this feeling! I had in my mind reasoned that the best of the best were going to be getting about 9-10 full rounds. I had set a goal for myself based on that to get 3-5 rounds considering I am only a month into this "sport" and a month into doing anything at all active. 5 rounds I would be completely thrilled with, 3 I would be happy with, less than 3, I would be disappointed. It would be a challenge as I do not have double-unders very well at all. I simply cannot do successive double-unders but have to do double-single-double-single and so on, and even then I get tripped up a lot, so I knew I was going to be burning up a lot of clock to finish the 30 double-unders in each round. I finished the workout having completed **3** rounds an 1 rep of a double-under to finish with a total score of **136**. ---- ## 2/27/2014 9a Every 90s for 10 sets do 1 Full Snatch: * 60% - 100# * 60% - 100# * 70% - 120# * 70% - 120# * 80% - 135# * 80% - 135# * 85% - 145# * 85% - 145# * 90% - 150# For Time: * 80 DUs * 20 FR Lunge 115# * 40 Pull Ups * 20 FR Lunge 115# * 80 DUs I am having a bit of bursitis or something in my right shoulder so I modified my workout today to avoid overhead movements and save my shoulder for Saturday. Therefore, I did Front Squats using **180#** (80% of my current theoretical max) and did **2** reps each time everyone else did 1 snatch, for a total of **20** reps. This weight felt quite easy and was likely too light. Looking forward to getting some true 1RMs established. For the MetCon, I scaled the double unders to tuck jumps, the weight on the lunges to 95#, and ring rows instead of the pull ups. I nearly died! It took me **12:43** to finish and I was beat. My lungs felt better on a different inhaler (Pulmacort instead of the Flovent I had been taking), but I am also redlining way too early as I jump out of the gate on these MetCons way to fast instead of pacing myself. ---- ## 2/26/2014 8a 3 Sets: * 5 supermans * 30 second chinese planks face up * 30 second chinese planks face down * 3 bridge ups Deadlift: * 10 @ 55% - 165# * 10 @ 65% - 195# * 6 @ 75% - 225# * 6 @ 85% - 255# * 4 @ 90% - 270# * 2 @ 95% - 285# Then: 100 Pushups for time The planks and bridge ups were a bit challenging to get form down but after that I found the moves fairly easy. Deadlifts were very comfortable and I can feel that my grip strength has improved a lot. I think I'll easily move past the 300# 1RM these weights are based on. The pushups KILLED me. It took me **7:24** to finish. ---- ## 2/24/2014 8a 15:00 to warm up to today's heavy push press Then EMOM for 5:00 of 1 rep split jerk with 2 second hold @ today's heavy push press MetCon: 3 Sets NFT: * 3 MUs or C2R or C2B or Ring Dips or 3s Ring Holds * 5 handstand shoulder touches or wall walks * 10 T2B or K2C I managed to get to **185** pounds on push press. I did push jerk instead of split jerks as I don't quite have the split jerk down yet, form-wise. For the MetCon I scaled to **dips**, but last set I did **holds**, also did **wall walks**. I did the toes to bar ok. ---- ## 2/22/2014 9a "Morrison" Reps: 50-40-30-20-10 * Wall ball (20/14#) * Box jumps (24/20") * KB swings (55/35#) I used 20# medicine ball, 24" box, and 53# kettle bell. I lost my breath fairly quickly and struggled to keep going. We had to stop at 30 minutes. ![IMG_8791.jpeg](/media/156/IMG_8791.jpeg) ---- ## 2/20/2014 9a Cleans: 5 Sets of triplets (10s rest between each rep), increasing weight each set. Met-Con: 3 Sets, NFT: * 8 medium/heavy good mornings * 45s rest * 10 supine ring rows * 45s rest * 10 supermans I cleaned: 165#, 185#, 195#, 215#, 225#. These felt really good, heavy, but good. For good mornings, I used **125#**. ---- ## 2/19/2014 8a Met-Con: 10:00 AMRAP: * 60 bar-facing burpees * 30 overhead squats (120#) * 10 muscle ups (scale MUs to 5 pull ups + 5 ring dips, or 10 ring dips, or 10 3-sec ring holds) Then: Deadlift: * 10 reps @ 55% * 10 reps @ 65% * 6 reps @ 75% * 8 reps @ 80% * 6 reps @ 85% * 4 reps @ 90-95% I made it through the burpees and into the overhead squats but I scaled it down from 120# to 85#. For the deadlifts I did them based on 300# 1RM: * 165# * 195# * 225# * 240# * 255# * 285# ---- ## 2/18/2014 5p Lift: 15:00 to warm up to heavy snatch Met-Con: AMRAP, 5:00 * 10 chest to bar pull ups * 10 alternating pistols * 10 hand stand push ups Rest, 2:00 AMRAP: 5:00 * 10 box jumps, 24" * 10 shoulder to overhead, 135# I ended up reaching **170** pounds on snatch is a lot more than I have done previously when doing 80-85% as those workouts were based on a 1 rep-max of 125#. So I am very pleased with that! For the first AMRAP, I scaled the first one to **jumping pull ups**. These are getting much easier. For the alternating pistols I used a stack of 25 pound plates to assist. Instead of hand stand pushups, I did pyramid pushups. These were moderately difficult. I feel that I am somewhere in between the pyramid pushups and hand stand pushups. I got **2** full rounds followed by almost a 3rd round. I was short 3 more reps of pyramid pushups before the time elapsed. For the second AMRAP, I didn't scale anything., however, I only completed **2** full rounds. I got 6 reps of box jumps into a 3rd round before the timer buzzed. ---- ## 2/14/2014 6a Today we did [Fran](http://www.crossfit.com/mt-archive2/000611.html) 3 Rounds of 21-15-9 reps each of: * 95# Thrusters * Pull ups I scaled the pull ups to jumping pull ups and unlike the BEAST that is in that video, my time was **8:37**. Then we did some skills practice: 3 Rounds, NFT: * Hand Stand Hold for 45 seconds * 40 Double Unders * L-Sit on parallettes for 30 seconds After Fran, I was completely beat. In fact, I came near to passing out and/or throwing up out a couple times. I made the mistake of not eating my usual eggs and sausage before working out and went with an empty belly. I ended up only doing 2 of the 3 rounds and ended up being one of the last ones there as I was working through very slowly. The handstand holds, I never made it the full 45 seconds but did, **20** seconds then **25 seconds** in the first round, followed by **30** seconds and **15 seconds** in the second round. The Double Unders were a real struggle as well. I don't have them repetitively yet, so I focused on just doing a single or two and then a double, followed by a single or two and then a double. I was so dead though it was a struggle to just do singles. L-Sits. ROFL. I had to break these up to 10 seconds for 3 reps for each round and that was with my legs tucked instead of straight out in front. This was easily my worst workout so far. I think I can partially blame lack of nutrition and less than optimal sleep, but I am not sure I wouldn't have still SUCKED. ---- ## 2/12/2014 8a MetCon: **For Time**: 80 Wall Balls - 20# ball (break into as few sets as possible) Lift: Deadlift: * 10 reps @ 50% * 10 reps @ 60% * 8 reps @ 75% * 6 reps @ 85% * 4 reps @ 90% Rest 2 minutes between heavier sets. Use same 1 rep max as 2/7/2014 I ended up doing the wall balls in **5:03**. I started off attempting **20 rep** segments, but after the first segment dropped down to **10 reps** for last 6 segments. This was incredibly hard. For the deadlift I did: * 150# * 180# * 225# * 255# * 270# These felt easy, but grip remains my weak point. I had to use an alternating grip on the last set. I tried out the hook grip for the other 4 sets which is going to take some getting use to. ---- ## 2/11/2014 9a Lift: Back Squat: * 6 reps @ 65% * 4 reps @ 75% * 2 reps @ 85% * max reps @ 85% Met-Con: AMRAP 3:00 * 6 Thrusters 95 pounds * 6 Box Jump Overs * 6 Hand Raise Push Ups Rest 5:00, then Repeat I still do not have a single rep max but based on my lifts on **1/30/2014** I was working with effectively a 315 1-rep max. I have been feeling pretty sluggish the past few days like I might be fighting something off and almost didn't go in. So instead of trying to bump my weight up a bit since in my notes it seemed that weight felt a tad light, I stuck with the same thing and did: * 205 pounds for 6 reps * 235 pounds for 4 reps * 265 pounds for 2 reps * 265 pounds for **5** reps. That last and fifth rep, took everything I had. I had to sit down and rest a minute afterwards as I was completely dizzy from that lift. For the AMRAPs, I completed **2** full rounds on both attempts. In the first attempt, I got into a third round only by 3 thrusters. I went a bit further on the second attempt by completing all thrusters and getting 4 box jump overs in. I used a full **24-inch** box and the prescribed 95 pound weight for the thrusters. I developed a knot of some sort in my left quadricep muscle. It didn't seem to affect my movements today but it did seem to get a bit worse. I had border-line sharp pains in my shoulders and wrists from the thrusters but nothing that felt like it was injury. I feel like it's mostly the tendons and ligaments in my joints still waking up from years of inactivity. The AMRAP sessions had me feeling like I was going to vomit, twice! I literally left everything I had in that workout. Feels good. ---- ## 2/10/2014 8a Met-Con: 3 Sets, NFT: * 10 Box Jumps * 10 Toes-to-Bar * 10 Alternating Pistols Then: **10:00** to work up to today's heavy **Push Press** Then: **8:00** to work up to today's heavy **Push Jerk** Then: **6:00** to work up to today's heavy **Split Jerk** I scaled the **Toes to Bar** to **Knees to Chest** for first 2 sets and then did last set with **Toes to Bar** for **Alternating Pistols** used a short box with two 45# plates as a platform instead of doing the pistols on air. I did: * 185 pounds on push press * 225 pounds on push jerk * 135 pounds on split jerk, was focused really on my form/technique not on trying to get heavy at all ---- ## 2/7/2014 8a Met-Con: 3 Sets, each for time: * 10 C2B Pullups * 10 HSPU * 10 Kettle Bell Swings (55#) \* scale C2B Pullups with bands, or jumping pull ups, or ring rows \* scale HSPU *up* by adding plates under hands, *down* by adding plates under abmat, or do L-seated DB press, or Pyramid Push ups Lift: Deadlift: * 10 reps @ 50% * 10 reps @ 60% * 10 reps @ 70% * 8 reps @ 75% * 6 reps @ 80% Rest 2:00 between sets. I did **jumping pullups**, **L-seated DB press with 45# DBs**, and **KB Swings with 53# kettle bells**. My times were: * 1:15 * 1:34 * 1:43 I tried some HSPU with a single 45 plate under the abmat and got 5 comfortably but had serious doubts I could do 3 rounds of 10 reps so opted for the presses. For my deadlifts, back on 1/27/2014, I had noted that I done basically the same workout based on a 250# 1-rep max but had noted it felt light and that I could likely go based on about a 315# 1-rep max. However, it was suggested that I used about a 300# 1-rep max for this workout. So my weights where: * 150# * 180# * 210# * 225# * 240# These weights still felt good and I feel like my legs could handle a good bit more but for the last two sets I had serious issues with grip strength. This is partially do to some ripped calluses and partially due to just really weak grips. Going to stay with this weight until my grips develop. ---- ## 2/6/2014 9a Lift: Every other minute for 12:00 do **2** front squats at **85-90%** of 1-rep maximum. Met-Con: (scale as necessary) * For Time: 10 Ground to Overhead lifts @ 175 pounds * Rest 2:00 * For Time: 10 Ground to Overhead lifts @ 155 pounds * Rest 2:00 * For Time: 10 Ground to Overhead lifts @ 135 pounds * Rest 2:00 I did **190** pounds on front squats. I probably should have done more as I finished the last set fairly easily. I think I could have handled **20-30** pounds more. Hard not knowing what do with without 1-rep maxes on these lifts. For the Met-Con, I scaled and had the following times: * 1:55 - 155 pounds, Clean + Push Press * 1:30 - 135 pounds, Clean + Push Press * 1:31 - 115 pounds, Snatch Overall, I felt good after this session. The lift was probably too easy and should have pushed more, the Met-Con, kicked my butt. ---- ## 2/4/2014 9a 3 Sets NFT: * 10 HSPU (+/- ab mats) or L-seated DB press * 10 Prisoner Squats * 3 Bar-Muscle-Ups or 5 ring dips or 3 5-sec ring holds Then: EMOM 10:00 - 2 Full Snatches at 80-85% Then: 4:00 Max Reps of Dips (rings, matador, boxes, or parallettes) I did **HSPU** with **3** ab mats, **Prisoner Squats**, and **5-second ring holds**. For the snatches, I did **105** pounds. I ended up doing **36** dips using **boxes**. Everything felt great today accept for some shoulder joint/rotator cuff pain. I have had a couple separated shoulders in the past and not sure it is old injury stuff or just tendons and ligaments getting used to getting used. The pain was never unbearable so I am hoping for the latter. Time will tell I guess. :) ---- ## 2/3/2014 8a Lift: EMOM 12:00: * Hang Clean + Jerk (85%-90%) Met-Con: 6 Sets: * 20 double unders * 15 wall balls (20#/14#) * 10 chest to bar pull ups * 60 second rest --or-- 6 Sets: * 20 double unders or 20 tuck jumps * 15 wall balls (16-20#/12-14#) * 10 chest to bar pull ups (+/- bands) or jumping pull ups * 60 second rest --or-- 5 Sets: * 20 tuck jumps or 60 singles * 15 wall balls (14-16#/10-12#) * 10 ring rows * 60 second rest I did **155 pounds** on hang cleans + jerk and it felt good. I feel like I could have managed 10-30 pounds more. Still trying to figure out my max. For the Met-Con, that was another story. I continue to suck at pull ups. I chose the middle option and when with the **20 pound** wall ball, and **tuck jumps** and **jumping pull ups**. My times where: * 1 - 1:18 * 2 - 2:00 * 3 - 2:00 * 4 - 3:05 * 5 - 3:00 * 6 - 2:27 I taped up my torn callus and it didn't seem to bother me too bad. ---- ## 1/31/2014 8a 5 Rounds (each for time): * 200 singles * 12 alternating pistols * 12 pull ups * rest 90 seconds --or-- 4 or 5 Rounds (each for time; decide on 4 or 5 rounds before starting): * 200 singles * 12 assisted alternating pistols * 12 jumping or band pull ups * rest 90 seconds --or-- 4 Rounds (for time): * 200 singles * 12 goblet squats * 12 ring rows * rest 90 seconds Then: 10 sets: * down and back Waiter Walks (heavy KB up/heavier KB down) * 5 toe to bar or 5 knee to chest ### Results I ended up doing 4 rounds of the first scaled option, so the assisted alternating pistols and jumping pull ups. My times were: * Round 1: 3:30 * Round 2: 3:40 * Round 3: 4:55 * Round 4: 3:53 For the 10 rounds of waiter walks and knee to chest, I used 25 pound / 35 pound kettle bells. This was a killer workout and I barely was able to finish. At the end of the workout I looked down and noticed a callus had torn off: ![IMG_6529.jpeg](/media/153/IMG_6529.jpeg) Lesson learned: keep my calluses shaved down and smooth. Rough calluses will rip off. ---- ## 1/30/2014 7p Push Press + Push Jerk: * 2 reps, one each of press and then jerk * 15 minutes to work up to heaviest you can do Back Squat: * 8 reps @ 50% * 6 reps @ 65% * 4 reps @ 75% * 2 reps @ 85% * max reps @ 83% For press + jerk I just keep adding plates without considering what I was adding. I deliberately didn't wan to know the weight I was adding. I finally got to where I knew I wasn't going to complete the next set as my final jerk barely completed with very wobbly arms. I removed tallied up my plates for a final weight of **195** pounds. For back squats, I didn't have a max and it's been years since I had one, so I warmed up, adding weight for 2-5 reps until I got to what felt just doable for 8 reps, and used that to back into a theoretical max to use for the rest of the sets. I ended up doing: * 8 x 155 pounds * 6 x 205 pounds * 4 x 230 pounds * 2 x 265 pounds * 5 x 250 pounds I tried a 6th rep but bailed on the way up. This was a complete mental failure on my part and I believe I could have pushed through to complete this as my final rep but I gave up to easily. Shame on me. ---- ## 1/28/2014 9a 3 Sets, NFT (Not for Time) * 10 Hand Stand Push Ups --or-- 10 3-sec Hand Stand Holds --or-- 10 reps of L-Sit DB Press * 40 Double Unders --or-- 40 Tuck Jumps --or-- 120 Singles * 45-second L-Sits EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) - 12:00 * 1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat - 75% of Snatch Max Finally, 6 Sets: * 30-second as many push ups as you can get * 30-second rest I continue to suck at the arm stuff but feel good with anything involving legs or hips. I ended up doing: * Hand Stand Holds * Tuck Jumps * L-Sits were horrible, I couldn't even hold my legs underneath off the ground, this is partly due to the fact I think the pipes were not high enough but partly because I am so dang weak. Also, I had to rest and break up the 45 second count. * Snatches and Overhead Squats were easy. I started with just 15's on each side, so 75 pounds total because I wasn't sure how it'd feel for 12 minutes of EMOM. I tried a 13th set using someone else's weight which I believe was at 15 and a 10 on each side, so 95 pounds, which still felt good. I think I could have done even a bit more than that for 12 reps. * Finally, the pushups, my nemesis, at me alive. I did reps of 14, 10, 8, 9, 7, 9. My wrists were killing me so went to knuckles for a few of the sets. ---- ## 1/27/2014 8a Deadlift: * 10 reps at 50% * 10 reps at 60% * 10 reps at 65% * 8 reps at 75% * 6 reps at 80% I didn't have a max and this being the first time I deadlifted in 16 years, I just picked a weight erring on the low side so that I could finish. I went with: 125, 150, 165, 185, and 200 pounds. Felt really good and feel like I could have done quite a bit more, perhaps topping out at 250 pounds for last set. Met. Con.: 3 Rounds Not for Time: * 8 Good Mornings with 95 pounds * 45 second rest * 10 Supine Ring Rows * 45 second rest * 10 3-second hold supermans * 45 second rest ---- ## 1/24/2014 8a 3 Rounds: * 5 second ring holds * 3 wall walks * 100 singles EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) for 8 Minutes: * 2 Front Squats @ 80-85% (I did 135 pounds for lack of a max; felt great; could have gone 20-30 pounds more) 5 Sets: * As many ground to overhead as you can do in 45 seconds; 135# for men / 95# for women; I scaled to 85# and had reps of 6, 8, 7, 7, 7 * 45 second rest before next round ---- ## 1/23/2014 6p 3 Rounds of different reps. 1st - 21 reps 2nd - 15 reps 3rd - 9 reps * 30 Pound Kettle Bell Swings * 12 Pound Wall Balls * Russian Twists Time 6:30 ---- ## 1/21/2014 10a AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) Time 7:00: * 7 Medicine Ball Cleans (14 pound) * 7 Push Ups Rounds completed: 6 (+5 MB cleans) ---- ## 1/19/2014 1:30p 3 Rounds: * 250m Row * 10 pushups * 15 squats Time 7:21 *Made this workout up at home in between workouts in class ---- ## 1/17/2014 10a 3 Rounds: * 250m Row * 5 knee-to-chest * 15 push press (45 pounds) Time 6:42 ---- ## 1/14/2014 10a 3 Rounds: * 100 singles * 5 ring pulls * 10 pushups * 15 squats Time 12:47