ThoughtStreams supports the use of Markdown in cards. * [paragraphs](#card-3446) * [emphasis](#card-3449) * [lists](#card-3452) * [links](#card-3457) * [headings](#card-3460) * [images](#card-3463) * [blockquotes](#card-3466) * [code](#card-3469) ---- ## Paragraphs Paragraphs are separated by blank lines. ---- This is one paragraph. This is another paragraph. You don't need to worry about wrapping within a paragraph, just keep typing and typing. ---- This is one paragraph. This is another paragraph. You don't need to worry about wrapping within a paragraph, just keep typing and typing. ---- ## Emphasis Italics and bold are achieved by wrapping with `*` or `**` ---- *This* is *italics* but **this** is **bold**. ---- *This* is *italics* but **this** is **bold**. ---- ## Lists Unordered lists use asterisks or hyphens. Ordered lists use numbers followed by periods. ---- ``` * one * two * three or - one - two - three or * items can be short * or items can keep going and going and will be wrapped if they extend wider than the space available Multi-level lists are supported but they require the top-level to be indented as well: * A * B * B1 * B2 * C ``` ---- * one * two * three or - one - two - three or * items can be short * or items can keep going and going and will be wrapped if they extend wider than the space available Multi-level lists are supported but they require the top-level to be indented as well: * A * B * B1 * B2 * C ---- 1. one 1. two 1. three or 1. one 2. two 3. three ---- 1. one 1. two 1. three or 1. one 2. two 3. three ---- ## Links A bare URL can be made a link by surrounding it with angled brackets. A link can be given anchor text by using `[anchor text](url)`. ---- Visit . I love [ThoughtStreams]( ---- Visit . I love [ThoughtStreams]( ---- ## Headings Different heading levels are achieved with 1–6 initial hashes. ---- # Level-1 heading ## Level-2 heading ### Level-3 heading #### Level-4 heading ##### Level-5 heading ###### Level-6 heading ---- # Level-1 heading ## Level-2 heading ### Level-3 heading #### Level-4 heading ##### Level-5 heading ###### Level-6 heading ---- ## Images Images are similar to links but are of the form `![alt text](url)` If your account supports it, you can host your images on ThoughtStreams and a relative URL will be provided for each image. ---- ![Eldarion Logo](/media/152/eldarion256.png) ---- ![Eldarion Logo](/media/152/eldarion256.png) ---- ## Blockquotes Blockquotes use email-style `>` preceding each line. ---- > "The problem with Internet quotes is that you can't always depend on their accuracy" *Abraham Lincoln* ---- > "The problem with Internet quotes is that you can't always depend on their accuracy" *Abraham Lincoln* ---- ## Code A span of code can be indicated with a backtick `` ` ``. Blocks of code are indented with four spaces or surrounded by three backticks. ---- The variable `x` appears in the code below: x = 42 ---- The variable `x` appears in the code below: x = 42 ---- ## Math Tex/LaTeX mathematics is supported via MathJax. Inline math should use `\(...\)` and display math should use either `$$...$$` or `\[...\]`. ---- ``` Einstein said \(E = mc^2\) but he also said $$R_{\mu \nu} - {1 \over 2}g_{\mu \nu}\,R + g_{\mu \nu} \Lambda = {8 \pi G \over c^4} T_{\mu \nu}$$ ``` ---- Einstein said \(E = mc^2\) but he also said $$R_{\mu \nu} - {1 \over 2}g_{\mu \nu}\,R + g_{\mu \nu} \Lambda = {8 \pi G \over c^4} T_{\mu \nu}$$