Links to monitors to use with Macs. ---- Startup Study Group is the largest startup slack community. Join us instantly for free. Invites + info ---- On ideas, feedback, suggestions: thanks really but if you're sending me garbage, I'll let you know it is. It's my feedback to you. ---- One of the benefits of running Startup Study Group (SSG) is meetings rising stars. This past week, I had the pleasure of meeting with Mike Seidle and Rick Wehrle of WorkHere, one of two startups I find interesting in the job market space -- the other one being Gigster. This sector is of personal interest so I was able to ask nuanced questions. Some things I learned from this meeting which other founders should note: - They knew the market. They were able to speak to any questions I had about the product and how it addressed smallest details. - They had a plan. - They have customers. - Their technology stack made sense for the market they were addressing. - High energy level, can do attitudes tempered with understanding potential pitfalls. - Positive attitude. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things but I should highlight that Mike is an active contributor to #developers and #investors channels on SSG and one of the members I really want to see succeed. You can find him on Twitter and SSG Slack at @indymike. If you are interested in joining SSG, see We are 3K+ member community of startup founders and investors and consistently rank on top 10 most active slack communities on You can follow me on Twitter and SSG at @charlesjo. ---- ---- Numbers do matter. We are now close to 2500 "active" members on ssg. At a little over 2000, we had the most famous angel investor join us. Now at near 2500, we are seeing some more really cool stuff happen: like a joke magically turning into a web app in 48 hours from developers and designers from Europe and Canada. All virtual. All online. It's not that all 2500 members need to be engaged every day as they are all working on their own startups but when ideas are presented, some from tribe take on the challenge and things get done. Very fast. ---- ---- Brainstorm suggestions for coders in Brazil to immigrate to US. ---- #When buying a house in Silicon Valley Things to consider when buying a house in Silicon Valley Best real estate agents to work with in Silicon Valley Best loan officers to work with in Silicon Valley ---- ---- Hahahackathon/Fakeathon inspired by recent SSG pitch practices, Founderfox, YC Fellowship videos... Jam sessions to create parody startups. Go! ---- I wonder if anyone has done a blog for Quit on Medium/How I rocketed by Product Hunt post... ---- ... ---- ---- Latest GoDeeper email from @jdcarlu ---- ---- Global innovation ecosystems ---- #More business & marketing students to join ssg would be great ---- Testing marketing slogans ---- #side projects ---- ---- #money let’s discuss and make this happen -- starting with paid for services member startups are willing to pay, eg. referral fees, affiliate marketing, etc. ---- ---- SSG FAQ ---- ---- ---- Hello Parent is on Betalist ---- #ssg flow 1. Post on; is it possible to 2. Post link on 3. Tweet the item. 4. Share on ssg slack for broadcasting. ---- ---- Is there an app that turns a picture into a wall street journal trying ? ---- #ssg FAQ 1. Technical Cofounders 2. Beta testers 3. Early adopters 4. Investors 5. More female founders & investors ---- #The Hustle There is nothing more admirable and exciting to see than founders and investors who hustle. They keep at it whether things are up or down or others don't see their vision yet. You just know that they are going to succeed. So let's help them get there faster. Why not? ---- ---- Do you know any startups that could use some feedback? Start at ---- New issue of Go Deeper is out! @jdcarlu ---- AirBnB's rejection letters ---- #More startup resources ---- A book by an ssg member!,aToken,claimed_id,identity,mode,ns,op_endpoint,response_nonce,return_to,ns.pape,pape.auth_policies,pape.auth_time,signed&redirect=true&serial=&linkCode=sl1&tag=rizfah-20&linkId=6b449872b216e0be0abe93d5fff927c1 ---- Reg A ---- ---- Best iOS Photo Management apps? ---- Preparing for startup CEO role ---- Social ventures should listen to this impact investors podcast from @a16z ---- Business model canvas in 20 minutes ---- #Hackathon Organizers Discussions about organizing hackathons are in progress. ---- #1494 registered founders & investors Our current focus is less about growing membership numbers and more about helping our current members succeed as startup founders and investors. Already, members are connecting to build business relationships which I hope will last a lifetime. Members include college freshman working through ideas of future startups, those accepted to top tier accelerators, funded startups, and retired techies who are now angel investors. ---- #SSG Stack 1. ( - startup blogs and ssg community portal. 2. Oplerno University ( - based on pro-student, pro-teacher philosophy. 3. - (micro)blog without limitations. 4. - lists. 5. - dating app on Android. 6. ( - Community communications scheduling tool. Member directory. 7. 8. Companions ( ---- #Housing in Silicon Valley Topic of housing in Silicon Valley comes up frequently. Work visa is a separate issue but there are startup talent within this great nation of ours who are eager to live at the place of their dreams so they can meet with people beyond Skype and Google Hangouts or occasional flights in. High cost is keeping them out so we should figure this out. Danielle Morrill recently posted an incubator proposal for rentals (jokingly?): and I think we need to keep the discussion going until we make it easier. Related: New Silicon Valley List of New Silicon Valley Ideas ---- ---- #Side Projects Side-projects channel on SSG Slack is very interesting. These are things we personally gravitate towards during off hours and can't stop thinking about... usually not for immediate financial gain. SSG is my side project. I have absolutely no idea if/when it will make any money but I don't care. It's a community that I believe needs to exist. @tectonic's side projects are Huginn ( and SelectorGadget ( Join us on About page is ---- ---- #2 interesting channels on ssg slack ##side-projects is a promising new channel for those working on pet projects. Please see Andrew @tectonic. ##startup-co-op## For those interested in new models of startups, see @seang. ---- #Reddit users - just the good ones I would like to extend an open invitation to the lawful good, neutral good, and chaotic good users of Reddit to join the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. More to come... All other alignments, please stay at Reddit. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- #Greece It's possible that we are discussing different parts of the elephant. My concern is daily lives of everyday people and in particular the entrepreneurs in that region and other regions that ssg community can connect with and help in any way we may be able to. We shouldn't penalize everyday people for mistakes governments or bigcos make. ---- #Idea - SSG Jams Brainstorm sessions focused on scheduled founder/startup. 1400+ peer founders and investors can do an AMA for product, founders, startup. Let's explore. Join us on #ssg-jams channel on SSG Slack at ---- ---- ---- Until then, is an awesome publishing tool. ---- #Reviewing & Reviving Our review of @evgeny_popravko's excellent Companions app means that we should also find out what prior products or side projects ssg members have that we can help with that. Perhaps, those can be revived leveraging ssg community power. ---- ---- ---- ---- #Investors at SSG community One of the key observations recently has been that our investors are excellent at helping ssg startup founders. We need to leverage this. Let's get creative. How can we as a community add more value to these great investors, in addition to working on each potential unicorns. ---- ---- ---- ---- Interesting. ---- ---- ---- Unleash the creativity and energy from the ssg community. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- #Decisions for ssg community is mostly easy. It's like the clarity a parent experiences when having kids: if the decision is net positive for your child, it's a good decision. For ssg, if the decision is net positive for each ssg member startup founder or investors, it's a good decision. ---- as the community portal!!! @sromo16 @rafaecheve @indymike @aleattorium ---- SSG Beyond Slack Projects ssg beyond 1: ssg beyond 2 input view ---- Already iterated ssg beyond to v2 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- It's drawing out the best in people. Everyone wants this. This has to exist. We did this when we were kids (see @shub's upcoming blog) but when we grow up, we are told to not share and be afraid. Not preaching but I get great inspiration from sermons. One of themes at my church is do absurdly good things. Just exploring different ways of thinking. Getting all the George Baileys to connect and build a community. ---- ---- ---- ---- I see blogging as a branding tool for founders. You are the product for all the future investors and future users. Write with personality but with moral authority. No one should be able to question your ethics even 20 years later. Get people excited about the future you want to see and build. Let them want to buy stuff from you. ---- ---- What's worse than cold emails? Terrible warm intros. ---- SSG Consulting was about selling ssg member billable hours as a way to help themselves sustain while working on their MVP. Some members privately messaged me about their frustrations at possibly having to stop working on their product since they need to pay bills which means taking a a full time job. ---- Me: Have you uploaded your pitch on FounderFox? Founder: No. I'm on Android. Me: At least you can install Cuddli dating app which us iPhone users are locked out of. Founder: I have a wife. *I need investors.* ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Please review for ssg ---- The thing about whining is that it is the start, not the end. Some people I read whine and that is the end game for attention. You know #socialmedia gurus. The good people, the whining is the beginning of a problem which needs to be solved. They then think things through and welcome a dialogue. I like peers who are confident -- **reality distortion field** confident. My whining describes a bump in the road which I shall bulldoze with my abilities. ---- ---- Be nice on SSG & elsewhere even if only online. There are big name VCs lurking. Possibly next Zucks lurking. ---- Twitter: passive-aggressive relationship management via humblebrag cliches. ---- #Cliches If I had a nickel for every time someone referenced the Chinese proverb of seeing opportunity in crisis… but this is the power of ssg. Since it’s a community of not only entrepreneurs and investors, but developers too, we are problem solvers and uniquely qualified to approach problems we see in ssg as a potential market that needs to be addressed so as you read or lurk our discussions and emails, let’s try to see if there is a market that is waiting for us to discover or rediscover. ---- ---- Interesting observation: people who add no value whine the most. Negative value. ---- An SSG member founder is working on fundraising for her winter code camp in Africa. A coder in Brazil is advising her in business. A marketing consultant in Europe is advising on social media. All on SSG. ---- Brainstorming best ways for funding a winter code camp for youth in Africa. ---- I like the models of behavior which can be applied to different processes of life. There're not that many scenarios in our everyday businesses. Today i wanna tell about, for example, public speaking( pitches as many like to call it) and trips. Both take a lot of nerves and energy. How to fell better and not to worry. You're gonna be nervous anyway, but you can significantly lower the pressure on yourself. We'll take the situation everyone has already passed through - a first date. Lets remember when we were 18. Boy is going on a date with a girl he really likes. He's nervous like never before. Why? He doesn't know what to expect from her, a lot of things can go wrong (out of money, phone battery is low, restaurant is too expensive, weather, her behavior and expectations may change). She wont be nervous, 'cause she knows she can end this evening at any moment. What he can really do is to reduce the number of uncertainties. He can borrow some extra money (maybe he won't need' them, but he's gonna feel calmer), check if his phone is charged, go to a cafe he knows, take a sweater, ask her friends what she likes. He can come up with plan B - if not cafe, than cinema or some sports event. And so on..Lower the level of unforeseen. This model works in the moment when we have to make presentation of products, pitch to the investors or just speak to the public. Again, what we can do to lower the pressure: if you have your presentation in Dropbox - take a copy on a flashcard and dvd (if wifi goes down you have alternatives), take your own markers, batteries, silent your phone, take extra business cards, do not wear new clothes (we feel the new on us), take a small sponge to clean your shoes the weather is bad, etc. Think what situations you can predict now and prepare - you're gonna be much more confident and everything's gonna be great.And remember, the audience, like the woman, can forgive a mistake, but will not forgive insincerity. In the next part i'll tell you, what we're building to take the pressure of not knowing while you're in a trip. Evgeny Popravko ---- ###global coverage U.S. - JD LATAM - Jean Asia - Doug, Chris Europe - Daniel Africa - Craig, Nathan ---- ---- ###some thoughts on ssg community Let natural discussions flow from founders and investors on SSG Slack. Highlight their products on daily email so SSG community is more self-aware of the awesome products, founders, startups, capabilities, and resources. And track their asks for the community. Encourage dog fooding member products to accelerate feedback and iteration. ---- It's a numbers game ---- SSG internal projects could be used to filter out people you want as your cofounders in future. ---- More... ---- I'm pretty sure we started a list on with similar topic too. ---- When I think about lists, I think @kurt’s which I blog about on @jtauber’s You can also DM me any time and I prefer @basche42’s HeyNow ---- All - even if we discuss 1 ssg member startup per day here on SSG Slack, we've won. That's PR that the member gained among founder peers and investors. ---- ###Emergent Properties Revisited Pack as many people into 1 venue and see what beautiful properties emerge (eg. Too many ideas, not enough time to develop them, not enough resources to see them through... What if that didn't have to be the case. A couple of ssg members have expressed this independently. Let's explore. Status quo says that all these have the aligned: 1. Ideas. 2. Talent. 3. Funding. 4. Time. 5. Market timing. 6. etc. *What if SSG can coordinate all of these?* ---- #AI Starting stream about AI, ML, robots, drones. ---- ###New Silicon Valley When VCs complain about cost of living in Silicon Valley, it means something. Everyone here feels it and we all complain about it and discuss it online but nothing gets done. I joked (mostly) about people in Silicon Valley doing a flash move and we would all pick up stuff and leave for a nearby town but much better housing prices. I mean, it's the people. There's no magic fountain of unicorn here. It's the ecosystem of entrepreneurs and funders and universities. What if we all one day decided to pack up and exodus. Which town would that be? Truckee? Crowdsource potential destinations: ---- ###Some ideas for SSG over this weekend Below are some things we should think about over the weekend: - How to generate income now for SSG member founders and startups so they can sustain themselves while working on MVP. - How to help founders find cofounders within SSG and outside SSG. - How to help founders who want to relocate to Silicon Valley. - How to announce to all within Slack and email (without annoying "everyone"). - Best ways to test each other's products. (We have 1100+ members so physically impossible to test all in timely manner). - Any others? Please join me on ssg stream on Or email me at ---- Cofounder discussions on this SSG Slack channel: "#co-founders-by-myecom" ((I need to learn to markdown)) ---- Just saw an ad for "The Ultimate CRM." Nah. My dream CRM which I shall label IceCRM would be an AI that would wake me up everyone morning with Philz coffee to tell me which sales would be closed today then at the end of the day, the AI would let me know it closed all of them. Then serve me ice cream. ---- Here is the other story which reinforces the idea that we need to support the good ones to succeed even more. ---- My first reaction after reading this piece was to create a glassdoor for startup community at ssg which we can continue to discuss but why not celebrate the great VCs to work with by listing them at ---- Brainstorming extending SSG Jobs ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Founder: I finally have an hour to breathe so I'll ship that other web project in in about 10 minutes. What colors you like? Me: Uh ok. Cool! ---- Freelance economy continues to grow ---- Google Photo looks very interesting to me. ---- [Coolest things about SSG]( ---- ###Web & Mobile Web We are only at the beginning of the potential of the Web and Mobile Web. I was having lunch with a friend and we had each connected or reconnected with our spouses because of the Web during Dotcom 1. There are great founders and investors I am meeting because of SSG, much faster than if the Web wasn't there. Lots of work to do. ---- ###Why wait? People have bills to pay. Why wait for glacial speed of government & multinationals to create jobs? Let's create value, opportunities. Innovation at the edges. ---- ###SSG Plugs Packing as many ssg plugs into 1 tweet will be a good challenge: * HeyNow (micro)blog on & list stuff on * DM me on HeyNow to review your ThoughtStreams & we'll TopChart takeaways. (note DM does not work on twitter, LOL). * Ping me on HeyNow to review your ThoughtStreams & we'll TopChart. ---- ---- 1082 registered users, founders & investors, students too. Est. 10% W0W growth ---- I think getting past 1000 members was really fun and looking forward to us hitting 10k by Dec. But again, I'm more interested that there is a small group who love the community. We just keep adding neat people to make the community more valuable (more wise members, and more knowledge seekers). There are secret projects underway that will make ssg really interesting. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Read everything. It was 1 of the few things I recall from a book on literature & writing. Something spammy this morning sparked an idea for an SSG startup. I think a similar grade of ad email sparked Ryan Hoover to create Product Hunt. ---- SSG Dog Food list is growing. We use our member startup tools. ---- Jean, Tom, I thinking this is why @a16z hires proven operators. ---- ###Recycling startups As I read about and communicate with founders who have closed down their startups, I am playing with the idea of recycling their products or keeping them in maintenance mode by SSG members. Something to think about. Please join us at cuz we cool ---- ---- ---- Brainstorm best part-time projects founders can work on while still have enough time to keep working on their MVP. ---- As Twitter can be storified, I plan to revisit ThoughtStreams later to build out longer blogs and publish on Medium and ---- ---- It's really a fun idea. SSG members self-organized pitch practices to help each other improve their pitch delivery and content. What if we turned that around for investors? Let investors pitch to SSG startups on why the founders should go with them and what types of startups they are seeking to fund. ---- ---- Pre-seed precedes seed proceeds or pre-money money. ---- ---- @kurt: @yangterrence is right about me mentioning 5000x. I've concluded it's quite a number. But insufficient. I'm going to ramp it up to 20,000x so -- and become household words. Hehehe. ---- Key to discerning given advice is how to process: trash it or shelve it for later or do the opposite and 10x harder. Sometimes the latter yields best results. ---- ---- ###Creating success The current game is not optimized. We are getting there with likes of YC, Angellist, and A16z where value add is educating promising founders and their startups and connecting them to customers, partners, and financial capital. But it's still like having to pray to saints or buy one's way to heaven. We need to save ourselves. We need to learn, network, build communities to help us become more successful. Our job at SSG is to make everyone care about our startups and figure out ways to fill in the gap. Otherwise, there's no value anyone is adding other than whining. As we talk through issues each startup is facing, we are learning individually and as a group. We are improving every day and eventually will crush everyone in the way. ---- Just kidding. Nothing here to see. It was a joke. LOL. ---- ---- The biggest difference I see in the founders and investors I meet are blue ocean v red ocean. Many are stuck in red ocean thinking: let's create that Palo Alto restaurant because we can do it faster than others. The ones that are most interesting to me: let's create new categories knowing what we know now, there are much better ways to deliver food to Palo Alto than starting brick and mortar restaurants on University Avenue. ---- ---- ---- We honor those who have given their lives for our country. I may not always agree with our foreign policy, but my deepest respect goes out to my American brothers and sisters who had given their lives in service -- despite their own personal views on decisions by our elected officials. ---- is what Evernote should have been. I don't need to sift thru my 30k tweets to find what I had thought I saved. ---- ###Languages on SSG We encourage global communication and languages. We have #brazil and #espanol-castellano channels where members discuss in those native languages. Members text in Chinese. We encourage founders and investors in all regions to join. Language will soon become a non-issue with real-time translators from tech companies. ---- ---- ---- Even if we can help 1 founder get to their next step per day, that is meaningful. ---- ##More on integration Push hard as we can for models that benefit each member and addresses our needs *now* but not diminishing our long term goals: empowering the individual founders, entrepreneurs, freelancers as well as investors. There are ongoing concerns of labor either (1) being pooled and squeezed to only benefit existing capitalists; and (2) being completely removed through increased automation. With enough good people working to resolve these problems, I believe we can. Ironically, we will use leverage tools developed by the tech world to benefit the masses. Sharing economy doesn't have to be about all shares making rich richer. Sharing economy can be about more people participating in wealth. ---- ---- ---- Awesome to see ssg tech founders in Mexico guide founders in India re open source. ---- ###1k to 10k As ssg membership nears 1000, I am thinking about 10,000. There was a friend in college who had participated in some student protests in South Korea in 1980s and he had remarked that when you stand with 10,000 other students, you feel nothing is impossible. I don't imagine ssg members protesting anywhere but when we get to 10,000, individually, we may feel different. Hoping for more confidence. As if nothing will stop us. Our member startups would be able to ideate, MVP, and scale at ridiculous speeds. ---- SSG expertise ---- Time is so precious. Invest it in people who you want to see succeed. ---- Why are Twitter & HBO insisting on showing me ads w/shirtless dudes? ---- Who knew tech founders had so many opinions about politics, religion, society, economics, spelling? ---- 942 members ---- I started my blog about 1 year ago at then this SSG slack in Jan 2015. We keep it positive, fun, and no a**hole rule and that seems to work. What I am finding is that there is a butterfly effect. Everyone counts. Every action counts. There’s an emergent property phenomenon that we can’t predict but keeping core values of community encourages good people to speak up and engage. Core values scale :) ---- Heh. Uber made me think about Pando. So Pando is doing a series on small business and the growing connections to startups. Reminds me of the HTML coder gold rush during Doctom I. There were few eBays and Googles but look at all the coders and artists that tech started to employ. This is a promising topic. ---- When I first heard about Uber drivers getting paid better than taxi drivers, I was thrilled. Uber may be the extreme case but I like disruptors who challenge regulations which favor incumbents for no other reason than favoring incumbents. ---- Multiple requests for ssg meetups so discussing on #meetups channel. Founders mostly. Some investors. ---- 79 more to go. ---- 909 members ---- 880 members in ssg as of this morning. ---- ###Emergent properties Pack as many great people into venue and see what happens. Neat projects are happening already at SSG and more are expected. Closest to my heart is *job creation*. Idea is to help founders succeed and they create jobs. Pre-money or pre-revenue though, that can hard so we need to brainstorm at SSG on how to do this. One idea I'd been half joking about is repackaging our expertise. It was done this morning at 3am 5/19/2015 by SSG members at I am thinking selling consulting hours and projects with commissions to those who bring in leads. I am open to all ideas. Please see me on #ssg-consulting channel. Thank you. Charles ---- 861 ---- 850 so far today. ---- 835 members now. ---- We are creating magic at SSG. In order to keep quality high and ensure all members feel welcome and encouraged, please speak up if another member made you feel uncomfortable in any way. We have a no a**hole rule and I'll enforce it. I have no problems with anti-aircrafting SSG accounts of users who act as bullies, racists, sexists. Thanks everyone. ---- ---- 803 users ---- 787 members ---- 761 as of 4:32pm. ---- 753 already. It's only 2:52pm. ---- 700 members milestone reached today. Almost 10% growth in 1 day. ---- Sharing economy or not, we must think about the entire supply chain. These are people who have to pay bills, raise families. Uber was very exciting in the beginning when it was able to say their drivers could earn very good income. Hoping for more sharing platforms to be able to say this. Actually, I know of at least 2 early stage platforms in works to pay their business partners well. Original post: ---- ###Best ways to contact Charles Jo re: SSG community -- @charlesjo on [Twitter](, [SSG Slack](, and [HeyNow]( + say charlesjo sent you. Testing [TopChart]( as a messaging system. Alternatively, & 650.906.2600. [This ThoughtStreams link]( ---- It's an accumulation of wild ideas of equal access to opportunities. ---- Unlike other open platforms which aims to squeeze every penny out of participants, ssg should theoretically be the opposite: we should add to your bottom line through better knowledge, network, fair win-win deals. ---- Scaling Serendipity * Jobs' was known to have designed his companies with floor plans to increase random interactions between employees. The coffee bar could be at center of an open space to encourage happenstance inspirational discussions instead of at an dismissive corner break room. What we observe at SSG is increasingly valuable discussions regarding startups by new entrepreneurs and seasoned, as well as investors. The added feature of our community is that many can execute ideas discussed in real time. We need to explore this further as there may be markets waiting for products to fit their needs. I'm @charlesjo on Twitter, SSG Slack, and [HeyNow]( + say charlesjo sent you. Original post by Charles Jo 5/16/2015 ---- 1 discussion on ssg slack today was about VC scaling a a startup. I'm curious how Minecraft and Craigslist scaled as I don't think either took VC but are household brands. ---- SSG Combo Meals is an exploration of bundling members products & services. ---- SSG reminders ---- It's a no-brainer for startup founders & investors to join ssg & get instant access to 600+ helpful peers. For free. ---- SSG topics this evening: bitcoin, payments, fraud-protection ---- Reminder: quickest ways to join ssg ---- Maybe it's an age thing or a parent thing. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing people helping others. ---- Open sourcing SSG Welcome Message ---- Knowing what we know now, what are the most critical priorities? ---- Approaching 2% DoD growth at SSG... ---- 1% D0D growth at SSG it appears... ---- Join 600+ global founders & investors. It's free but you are not the product. ---- ssg pitch Short URL: Long URL: Minor edits by Charles Jo 5/12/15 Hello SSG Members, JD and Nathan are accepting more startups for pitch practices Thursdays 9am PDT. Please email subject: SSG Pitch Session - 14 May 2015 (Also accepting reservations for 21 May 2015) Thanks again JD and Nathan for driving this. I am hearing from SSG members that this is a huge value add for the community. Charles Jo @charlesjo (Twitter, SSG Slack, HeyNow) 650.906.2600 P.S. Support fellow SSG startups at SSG Dog Food project === Hi All, Please note we'll be running this via Google Hangouts on Air. This is the public URL for viewing the stream: For all those pitching please connect with JD to get the speaker URL. (max 10 participants at a time) Last round we went over capacity, so we're trying things a bit differently. Please bare with us and provide feedback so we can learn and improve for the next round. Don't forget to connect with SSG on your favourite network: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Curated list of community members: (to get added to the list just submit your twitter handle in: Greetings Nathan __ Mobile: +27 82 454 1019 | Web: Blog • Twitter • LinkedIn • Instagram • Rdio _______________________________________________ StartupStudyGroup mailing list ---- Startup pitch practice Thursdays at 9am PDT. Please inquire ---- Lunch discussion re: Thiel's Palo Alto restaurant analogy ---- Are startup pitches just glorified loan applications? ---- Encouraging ssg members to dog food our startup network products!items/19962-heynow-chat ---- MBA degree value for startups being discussed on ssg slack. ---- I was just thinking about this the other day. We should get bigco innovation groups in ssg. ---- Value of 1 person's vision combined with a supportive community should never be underestimated. ---- Treatment of 3rd party devs is kind of extreme on Twitter but how about other platforms? Seems to be a concern for startups. ---- Exciting news today on SSG: (1) Ben's startup has announced their app so please let’s dog-food our fellow SSG member startup products. I want us to test to use as our default private messaging app for SSG. + ben (or charlesjo); (2) in case you missed it, please see #accelerator-incubator channel for possible deals on AWS and MS tools for your startup -- remember, we are trying to get ssg members' costs to MVP down to $0; (3) please explore ThoughtStreams as a blog publishing tool eg. ; (4) more increasingly relevant private betas being discussed on SSG Slack so please share with your favorite founders and investors: I'm @charlesjo on Twitter, SSG Slack, and on HeyNow app. ---- Ideas + passion + confidence + resilience + community + operators + experience. How can we lose? ---- ---- Excellent discussions on SSG now regarding value & guarding of startup ideas. Join us ---- There's an old joke in Silicon Valley that goes something like this: Q: "What made Silicon Valley so successful?" A: "ICs." Q: "Integrated Circuits?" A: "No, Indians and Chinese." Diversity along with meritocracy, visionaries, hyper-competitiveness are all wonderful traits of Silicon Valley and I sincerely hope that the rest of the US and the globe will adopt as ways to improve business ecosystems. There is another factor that I am exploring with SSG which I call Integrated Community or full-stack startup ecosystem. It already exists in the supply chain for unicorns but most people are locked out. So I have been recreating an open source version of it at SSG with a twist. We welcome every founder and investor who is interested in helping others. We have 569 registered users on the SSG Slack version and today on Mother's Day, I see we have 25 users online and I suspect many more lurking. Vision I have for SSG as an Integrated Community is highest speed in communication which leads to quickest MVPs. As a group, we should be able to create a startup from idea to MVP in an hour. Join us at and explore. Instant access to 569 founders and investors. No need for silly "warm introductions" to our members. Commiserate with fellow entrepreneurs. Share success stories. Let's change the world. I'm @charlesjo on Twitter, SSG slack, on [HeyNow]( -- say charlesjo sent you. ---- SSG grew about 10% in past week. ---- ---- ---- Great convo on #education channel on ssg re: improving lives of 93m unemployed & underemployed in U.S. ---- ---- Is anyone else excited about possibility of using AR/VR for MS Outlook, Word, Excel? ---- 1% DoD growth on SSG :) ---- Even with 551 members, there are some who are really active on ssg slack ---- Hanging up on people smartphones are not the same as the gratification from flip-phones. ---- SSG is becoming a must-join startup community. So much great content from awesome founders & investors. ---- Updated URL: ---- Plural sounds better: Startup FAQs!items/17922-what-are-basic-tools-to-start-web-and-mobile-apps ---- Testing TopChart as a FAQs machine ---- Self-organizing communities through supportive, collaborative, encouraging members. This is the future. Magic when seen in action. No limits. ---- Thinking about ssg CS 101 & startup 101 w/ssg members. ---- Any startup founder or investor interested in helping others succeed are welcome to join our 536 member grassroots community at ---- Reality Distortion Field to me is less about selling seemingly impossible visions but more about one person deciding to create something better and the confidence and will power to see it through. ---- ---- SSG has a vibrant and growing Spanish speaking founders and investor community channel. We are discussing a Chinese language channel. ---- ---- TopChart IRL seems to be opposite of TopChart Said no one ever. ---- ---- Said no one ever. ---- If bossing of TopChart views resembles disruptors, new players can totally win and win quickly. ---- ##*Welcome to SSG!* Please introduce yourself on #intros channel and tell us about your startup(s) and how SSG and members can help you level up. We have a lot of channels but please feel to create a new one if none addresses your interests as those may inspire others here. We want to see everyone here to learn and succeed together. For SSG Slack, you are encouraged to complete your profile including a picture. Some popular channels you may want to explore: ``` #3f - a space for Female Founders and Funders #intros #partnerships #pitches #random - Talk about random stuff #ssg-dogfood - where you can explore SSG member’s startups #twitter-handles - to follow people who are at SSG ``` Notes: Welcome to SSG v. Started by Charles Jo 5/13/15 [Google Docs link]( ---- More brainstorming on offsetting founders' costs to MVP. I want journey to MVP to be frictionless. ---- Feels like we are adding 1 new founder or investor to SSG Slack per hour. ---- Footer for SSG projects ---- Quickest way to join SSG is at ---- ---- ---- We reached 500 members on SSG recently. Another milestone and it seemed like it was yesterday when we reached 100. For the next 500 members, I would again like to focus on founders from under-represented groups including female founders and investors. If you see this note, please think about the entrepreneurs in your network and ask them to check out We are creating magic. Charles Jo ---- Omg. What if we built the next SSG on Zork? "Pick up stick, move forward 5 steps." You encounter an angel investor, what would you like to do? ---- ---- ---- Testing ---- ---- To read ---- At the very least, ThoughtStreams is the free Evernote I'd been wanting forever. ---- Helping an SSG startup ---- Feature requests and bug reporting via ---- Crowdsourcing ideas to offset infrastructure costs for SSG member startups Partner with best tools, infrastructure, and infrastructure vendors with get costs of getting to MVP to $0. ---- Why SSG? Because the next Zuckerberg, Page, Brinn, Andreesen, Jobs, and Gates will directly and indirectly create hundreds of thousands of jobs so we absolutely need to help more of their future versions succeed faster as well as everyone else who ventures into the business world. She may be a high school student in Palo Alto or in a remote village in Africa. Everyone should learn startup concepts and think more like an innovative entrepreneur who gets things done for herself and her company than someone who games the bureaucratic corporate system with useless skills and not adding value to company, society or our future. ---- Ongoing list: ---- is a free resource for entrepreneurs: future, current, and former founders. Goal is to become the most useful tool for this community by learning “Startup as a Second Language” together. Thesis: entrepreneurs -> startups -> job creation -> wealth creation -> better world. ---- ThoughtStream may become my primary publishing tool. I can draft ideas and compose blogs here first then when ready, push out to Twitter, Medium and other venues. ---- When you have interesting people in your community, even jokes pivot to startup ideas. ---- SSG started as a blog at to help me share some ideas and notes from founders and venture capitalists freely available on the web. ---- SSG - the Startup Study Group ========================= Occasionally while I was at a directory of interesting Slack groups and found the Startup Study Group. Seriously it is the biggest online community I met so far and I am very excited about it. Sign up for Startup Study Group slack here