
8 thoughts
last posted June 26, 2014, 3:41 p.m.

2 earlier thoughts



Was up until 1 am babysitting a friend's 2 year old, so I was not motivated to make it to the 6 am CrossFit class. I am not a fan of the afternoon classes so I chose to go for a run today instead of crossfitting. I figure this is an ok thing to do considering I would like to run a half-marathon in November.

My run stats: Distance: 2.0 miles Duration: 19:40 Average Pace: 9:49 1st mile: 9:12 2nd mile: 10:19

This 2-miler was 60 seconds faster than my 2-miler on Monday. I find that I get frustrated with this pace because when I was a runner back in the day my pace was sub-8:00. But, I'm well aware that I have to work my way up to that for sure. As long as I'm below a 10:00 pace, I consider it a good run.

I'm also moving a bunch of furniture around the house today - I figure this is equivalent to the strength portion of CrossFit! :)

5 later thoughts