# Wat This is a collection of funnier and weirder things we found (amongst many other amazing things) while travelling in Thailand ;) ---- # Happy Breakfast Apparently we don't need [an app](http://aaronrandall.com/blog/megabite/) in order to get a smiling breakfast. ![happy_breakfast.jpg](/media/374/happy_breakfast.jpg) ---- # Relaxing Massage? Thai massage *could* help you feel better after eating a heavy curry and both escape routes seem to be an option! ![feel_good_massage.jpg](/media/375/feel_good_massage.jpg) ---- # Self Conscious Setting realistic expectations like a boss! ![broken_perfect.jpg](/media/376/broken_perfect.jpg) ---- # Hello Botox In case of failure, we also provide some buckets of paint to cover up everything you need. ![hello_plastic_surgery.jpg](/media/377/hello_plastic_surgery.jpg) ---- # Hotel Priorities Some hotels had flowers and towels shaped as beautiful swans waiting for you in the middle of the bed. Other hotels just know how to skip to the real priorities: ![hotel.jpg](/media/378/hotel.jpg) ---- # Drink for Beauti In case Hello Kitty Botox fails, this seems legit. ![drink_for_beauti.jpg](/media/379/drink_for_beauti.jpg) ---- # Equality Of course, there's also a drink to make you manly: ![make_manly.jpg](/media/380/make_manly.jpg) ---- # Best Kosher, Best Client I definitely don't want to be another number... ![number_one.jpg](/media/381/number_one.jpg) ---- # RoboMonk-3000 Coin-operated prayer machines, *the future is now*. ![praying_machines.jpg](/media/382/praying_machines.jpg) ---- # Selfie Sticks I never thought I'd find myself buying one! ![selfie.jpg](/media/383/selfie.jpg) ---- # Beer Rewards Take a look around while enjoying your £1 beer and you might get a $2 mil reward for reporting drug warlords to the FBI. ![wanted.jpg](/media/384/wanted.jpg) ---- # ... & Restaurant Looks like the place to end your night at: ![very_strong.jpg](/media/385/very_strong.jpg) ---- # WPS Gong No password provided? I assume I just need to hit the gong. ![wifi_gong.jpg](/media/386/wifi_gong.jpg)